Professional Strength Tools
We have a complete set of powerful online tools to help investors and Financial Advisors find the right ETFs for themselves and their clients.
Fund FocusDrill down to the all-important details for the complete picture: description, performance, and most importantly, our proprietary data on fundamentals and investment merit such as:
The result of this fundamentally-driven analysis is a forward-looking view of an ETF based on its investment merit. Ultimately, this enables investors to make better, more informed ETF selections. |
Fund FinderOur Fund Finder helps you quickly screen hundreds of ETFs, going well beyond the basics of fees and past performance. Whether your investment strategy is deep value, growth at any price or somewhere in between, you can screen ETFs based on familiar, forward-looking investment metrics that meet criteria consistent with your objectives, such as:
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Portfolio BuilderCreate and maintain up to twenty model ETF portfolios. Instantly see sector and geographic allocation, fundamentals and valuation metrics for the entire portfolio, and how each of these compares to your benchmark.
Ideal for "hands on" financial advisors who want to utilize powerful and relevant research in managing ETF portfolios on behalf of clients. |
Hedge FinderThere are many reasons investors use ETFs to hedge single stock positions. But which ETFs are best for this? Use Hedge Finder to get a list of all ETFs that hold a given stock, along with the stock's weighting in, and correlation to, those funds. |
Valuation TablesSort and compare funds based on trailing or forecast valuation multiples—including price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, price-to-book value, yield and ALTAR Score™ rating—to quickly find the funds offering the best value. |
Subscribe to ETF Research CenterWe have flexible subscription options to fit every need, from individual investor, to financial advisor, to institutional investors. Each subscription starts with a one month free trial. |
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