Institutional investors
Our ETF research, data and tools are available to buy-side and sell-side institutions. We currently have institutions using the following services:
Electronic data feed
License our ETF data to power better content on your financial web site, or to liberate the data from the screen and get it into your applications such as Excel. |
White label newsletters
We can create either a custom ETF research publication or "white label" an existing newsletter of our for less than the cost of hiring an analyst to produce research in-house. |
Multiple licenses
Want to provide multiple log-ins to your Advisors, or distribute 'approved' or 'model' portfolios for them to use? Get a volume license agreement. |
We also have an affinity program, a great, no-cost way to provide your Advisor team with our ETF research at a discount. |
Issuer research
Issuers license our research on their funds to distribute to their own customers and investors. |
For institutional license inquiries:
Tel +1.646.435.0569
Fax +1.646.827.9500 |
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